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LMSS Masthead

Fostering Interest in Research & Modelling of the London, Midland & Scottish Railway

The LMS Society - Bibliography

LMS Bibliography

LMS Society members' research activities have led directly to the publication of more than 160 books and over 1200 magazine articles during the Society's 61 year existence.

An LMS Society Bibliography listing of these titles has been compiled and may be viewed on line by following these links:

View LMSS Bibliography by Author
View LMSS Bibliography by Title

A copy for individual use may be printed off for non-commerical purposes by following these links:

Download LMSS Bibliography by Author
Download LMSS Bibliography by Title

Or, if you prefer, a printed copy can be obtained from the Society's Secretary, priced £3.95 including UK postage. Please write to enclosing a cheque payable to 'The LMS Society' stating your return address (of course) and in which order you wish the listing presented, by author or by title (or both for £7.50 inc.).

In all cases copyright of the Bibliography is reserved by the LMS Society.

Please note that the Bibliography is a listing of works written by LMS Society members either as sole or join author. It is not designed to be a comprehensive list of published works pertaining to the LMS Railway.

The Bibliography was last updated on 21st December 2016.

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