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The company normally employs about a quarter of a million people, and all matters of principle affecting the staff are dealt with by a central organisation.
This has enabled uniformity of treatment to be observed throughout the service in place of the widely varying practices of the different companies which formed the L.M.S. The arrangements provide for the discussion and settlement of all matters which arise-from the purely local one affecting a few of the staff to the country-wide problem concerning the rates of wages or conditions of service of the staff as a whole. Considerable attention is devoted to welfare. The officers appointed for the purpose work in close collaboration with the various departments in the promotion of health and well-being of all grades of the staff. Their duties include the supervision of staff accommodation, the employment of women, sickness, ambulance work, social and recreational activities and temperance work. They devote time to the investigation of cases of hardship or distress and endeavour to assist the staff, and rendered invaluable work during the war in contacts with the families of those in the Forces.
Educational and training schemes have been extended. A fully equipped School of Transport was built at Derby to provide residential accommodation for 50 students. Apart from this, instruction classes are held at centres throughout the company's system, and there is much collaboration with universities, local authorities and other bodies in educational work.
An important part of the staff organisation is concerned with the mechanisation of clerical work and office methods. All the latest devices are examined and, if suitable, adopted, and these include apparatus specially designed for railway requirements.
Site contents Copyright © LMS Society, 2025
February 15th, 2025
Site contents Copyright © LMS Society, 2025